Research & Development

Competitiveness Pole Icon Competitiveness Pole


With Competitiveness Pole, we target the development of robotic systems with increased capacity of autonomy, which might be used in various areas in the civil and commercial area, including the military area. The research and development project, Competitiveness Pole comprises an integrated package of five projects.


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Developing the production capacity in the area of autonomous systems and robotics

Within this project, we will develop a business structure in the area of autonomous systems and robotics, by creating a production and research unit, which would help us with developing products which are competitive at national  and international level. The investment project will support the creation of an integrated location, where the employees may efficiently collaborate with the other members of another team or with other departments within the company or belonging to our partners.

The innovation lies in conceiving, designing, building and testing the prototype of a miniUAV system,  and respectively of a unmanned maritime vehicle system (UMV ), whose usage in civil applications is significantly low in Romania.

With this project we undertake to:

  • Develop the production capacity by building an appropriate location;
  • Diversify the portfolio of innovative services and products;
  • Create an efficient, productive  and innovative  flow by procuring the latest equipments and machines;
  • Increase economic efficiency by maintaining expenditures at a rational level and by boosting productivity, both in the implementation and in the sustainability stages of the project.

Teamnet Experts

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The MiniUAV Autonomous Aerial System

We will develop a prototype of a miniUAV aerial autonomous system, by  means of RDI (Research, Development, Innovation) activities. Based on this, in the post-implementation stage, annually, an average of150 miniUAV aerial autonomous systems will be created. Our partner in this project is University Politehnica of Bucharest.

Innovative Elements

  • Improvement of the report power/weight by advanced integration of the composite materials in the drone’s structure;
  • Improvement of flight autonomy by optimizing the drag coefficient;
  • Boosting of the payload’s mounting and transport capacity aboard the drone;
  • Cutting down  production costs by using more efficiently the materials and the component sub-assemblies;
  • Optimizing the drone’s automatic control and command algorithms.

With this project, we undertake to increase competitiveness for the involved partners, by  developing a research-development-innovation platform in the field of aerial autonomous systems. With this structure, we support:

  • The increase of the research-development-innovation capacity by developing an innovative product – miniUAV  aerial autonomous system.
  • The consolidation of the innovation and technological transfer-oriented partnerships with the scientific and academic environment.
  • The modernization of the business infrastructure.

Teamnet Experts


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Naval Autonomous System

With this project we started in partnership with University Politehnica of Bucharest, we contribute to increasing the production capacity in the  field of autonomous systems and robotics, respectively to the enhancing products’ competitiveness by innovation. Within the project, a prototype of the UMV (Unmanned Maritime Vehicle) system, with applications in various fields, will be designed. In the post-implementation stage, annually, an average of 96 unmanned maritime vehicle systems will be created.

Innovative Elements

  • Improvement of the ratio power/weight by advanced integration of the composite materials in the naval system’s structure;
  • Improving flight autonomy by optimizing the drag coefficient;
  • Boosting the payload’s mounting and transport capacity on board the naval system;
  • Cutting down  production costs by using more efficiently the materials and the component sub-assemblies;
  • Optimizing the naval system’s automatic control and command algorithms.

The main objective of the project is  developing a research-development-innovation platform in the area of naval autonomous systems, which would be capable of competing at national and international level, by:

  • Enhancing the research-development-innovation capacity of the partners within the project;
  • Consolidating innovation and technological transfer-oriented partnerships with the scientific and academic environment.
  • Modernizing the business structure, by procuring equipment, technologies, licenses and know-how aligned with technological progress.

Teamnet Experts

Increasing the visibility of the Competitiveness Pole – ROBONET

With the activities carried out in this project, we have undertook to promote the features of the autonomous systems created by means of the Competitiveness Pole, in order to make the public aware of how useful and innovative they are. University “Politehnica” of Bucharest has been involved in this project, as well.

The main objective is to increase the visibility of the Competitiveness Pole and to communicate the information which supports the representative character of the products and systems used within the project, both on the internal and the external markets. Also, as a result of the promotional activities, we have undertook to  increase the number of suppliers and clients.

Teamnet Role


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Coordination, monitoring and reporting regarding the Development Strategy of the Competitiveness Pole

This project is essential to the management of the Pole because it targets the coordinated and coherent implementation of the other projects from the integrated package and the implementation Development Strategy of the Pole.

The main objective of the coordination project is to implement the Development Strategy of the Competitiveness Pole, as well as the national and community regulations on equal opportunities, environmental protection and social welfare. Thus, we contribute to:

  • Optimizing the coordination, monitoring and reporting processes related to the activities of the projects comprised in the integrated package, including the use of a Management Integrated Software application.
  • Taking part into training sessions for the representatives of the persons who requested the projects from the integrated package, in fields such as: project management, reporting and communication, procurement, risk management from the point of view of correct and efficient use of European funds.

Teamnet Experts