

Electronic identification of patients, available for all medical service providers in romania

Teamnet Dedalus presented for the first time a completely automatic electronic patient identification flow at the National Conference of Modern Medical Management in Private Clinics and Hospitals in Mamaia, during 14th -16th of June. If implemented at a hospital or medical clinic, such a flow contributes to obtaining up to 100% complete and correct reporting data and a higher precision of medical services offered to each patient:

“The flow increases the safety and accuracy of medical services offered to patients, while reducing the time of operation. By accessing and filling in the medical file in electronic format and using the electronic identification, a doctor saves an average of 31 min./patient/day, increases data completeness by 20% and data precision by 50%.” says Ivo Sccardo, Marketing Manager Dedalus SPA and Teamnet Dedalus representative.

The electronic patient identification process starts with the patient’s arrival in the hospital and continues in the hospital portal even after the discharge. At the registry office, the patient is identified by scanning his ID and the data enters the operating system. At the hospital, the electronic identification is done by means of a bracelet with a unique numerical code and the patient’s name, useful especially for AIC (anesthesia and intensive care unit), operating theater, obstetrics and gynecology. The electronic identification is made with the help of a barcode reader and gives access to all the patient’s medical information in electronic format, right by his bed side. After discharge, the patient can log on to the hospital portal with his own credentials and can view the medical history of his stay in the hospital: hospitalizations, diagnosis, procedures, results of lab tests or X-ray photographs, treatment and prescriptions.

The central element of the electronic identification is the patient’s medical file where the medical and administrative data are centralized and are made available on fix and mobile devices: tablet, laptop or desktop. Thus, the most frequent problems with medical paper forms can be avoided: incomplete forms 20%, non-compliant data 50%, missing reports 10%, missing medication 2%, according to a study conducted in 2014 by the School of Management, Politecnico di Milano. Moreover, such a file reunites all the medical data of the patient, from all wards and the hospital ambulatory unit: referrals, treatment, pathology, test results, diet, surgical procedures, allergies etc.

“In the current context in Romania, the implementation of the electronic medical file in hospitals or clinics, and the electronic patient identification are competitive advantages for medical service providers, but not for long. In Europe, such operating systems are common in hospitals. The physicians have more time for interaction with the patients because they spend less time filling in forms, for instance, reminders and notifications can be set in case of discrepancies between the patient’s diseases and the treatment, while the patient’s data can be instantly accessed, by his bed side.” adds Ivo Saccardo.

The electronic identification of patients using ARMONIAsanita is achieved together with our partner, Eutron.
